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Journey Through Creative Arts: Gallery

Journey Through 
Creative Arts:
Be Inspired -
Build Your Passion

Quotes, Memes, Photography and Artwork

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Continue your journey to find and live your passion accompanied by a collection of creative arts.  Be motivated and inspired by the quotes; smile and laugh at the whimsical memes; marvel at the art gallery of the Italian-Brasilian artist, Joao Thomaz Rubino. Whatever collection you choose, clear your mind while reflecting upon these images and let your creativity flow.  Invite family and friends to view the Journey Through Creative Arts together, creating memories to cherish while propelling your passion in motion.


Inspiring Learners through
Words of Wisdom

Worlds of old and words of new continue to inspire great thoughts for your journey anew. 

that feeling.jpg
refueling our lives.jpg
persevere and have faith.jpg
great peace.jpg
dont wait for your passion.jpg
Look at stars
students learning.jpg
we are our own limits
leave a trail
enter the open door
intelligence plus character.jpg
freedom is here
Stones build mountains
Flying in the sunset
Blue turtles on a limb
Quote on time is limited
Sunrise on glasses
Ocean tides
Trees in dewdrop
Rainbow over pasture
Galaxy at night
Walking in the snow
Heart-shaped red tree
Sunset in the west
Dandelion blowing in the wind
Orange dew drop
Blue butterflies
Happiness by John Lennon
sunset and heart in sand
dancing in the sunset
live laugh love.png
essence of love.jpg
Journey Through Creative Arts: Welcome

The Artwork of Joao Thomaz Rubino

Brazilian, Architecture and Landscape Inspired Works of Art

Born and raised in Sao Paulo, Brasil, the artwork of Joao Thomaz Rubino spans 5 decades of passion.  Works are predominantly pen on paper medium illustrating bold and subtle lines of architecture, shapes, objects and nature.  Oils exhibit thick brush strokes of vivid colors and deep earth tones which captures the South American seascapes and rainforest.

Journey Through Creative Arts: Gallery

Fun and Motivating Memes

Funny pictures and memorable quotes combined?

Perhaps you need a quick laugh, or smile, combined with words of inspiration? Browse through the gallery of memes today and stay tuned for more additions on the way!

Journey Through Creative Arts: Gallery

Relax and Reflect

A beautiful collection of nature and landscapes for moments of tranquility and inspiration. Relax, unwind, and reflect.

Escape to the beauty of a world that will leave you breathless and peaceful, yet stir the essence  of your creativity. What will inspire and motivate the journey to find and build your passion?

Journey Through Creative Arts: Gallery
On the Top

"Believe you can and you're halfway there"

Theodore Roosevelt

Journey Through Creative Arts: Quote

Create Your Journal:   
One Reflection at a Time

Reflect and Write:

Your Personal Tools to Find the Passion Within

Every day presents with an opportunity to find and build your passion -  from thoughts to experiences, journaling can unleash roadblocks to living your passion. Even the simplist of entries may contain profound meanings to guide you along the journey to find and build your passion. Follow these simple steps to start your journey and awaken your passion - one reflection at a time.

Modern Laptop
Journey Through Creative Arts: About
pen and journal.jpeg

Pick Your Journal Format

What Format Will Inspire You?

Maybe it is a word document on your computer, your mobile device, or a hard-bound journal with crisp, parchment paper. Either way you choose, take your journal everywhere you go to fuel your passion and create the path to discovery.

Journey Through Creative Arts: About

Inspiring Learners with a Variety of Creative Arts

Reflect, Write, Build your Passion

As you browse through the Journey Through Creative Arts, be motivated and inspired to build your passion as you escape in the words and artistic expressions captured with photography, artwork, and inspirational quotes in creative and infinite ways.   Unleash the feelings and thoughts into words and phrases that will propel your passion back into your life.

Journey Through Creative Arts: About

Journal Every Day

Find Your Passion in All You Do

Each day brings new opportunities for reflection, bringing you one step closer to living your passion.  As you begin to unwind for the evening or just waking up in the morning, keep your journal by your side.  Reflections will spark creativity to inspire, motivate and stir your passion as you progress through your journey.

Checking Text on a Document
Journey Through Creative Arts: About

Inspiring Learners: Find the Passion Within

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